Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Loopin' Louie by Milton Bradley or Hasbro

This game used to sell for an easy $100 on Ebay.  It seems Hasbro has brought it back, but it's still a pricey kids game.  Amazon sells it new for $49.  Toys R Us doesn't seem to carry it in the U.S.  I did Google it and found this game distributor called Funagain distributing it for $46.

The point is, you can usually pick up board games for a couple of bucks at garage sales.  According to Ebay, it's still a profitable game to sell.

TIP:  Watch the video below so you can see the pieces this game should come with.  However, I would still buy it if it was incomplete.  Just selling the parts of this game, still would be a good return on your investment.

CLICK HERE to see how much both games have been selling on Ebay lately.

If you have never played or seen this game, then you can watch a bit of this You Tube video below (adorable little boy).

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