Saturday, November 17, 2007


Wow! I haven't written in a long time! My Ebay world has been very busy. So... I'm going to cut to the chase and have you check out some of my recently sales. The dollar amount you see on the left is what I paid. Next, you'll see where I found it (GS - garage sale or TS - thrift store). And finally, the link to see the actual Ebay listing and selling price (Sorry, the Ebay listing has expired). Enjoy!

.50 cents - GS - Gusher Game - $57.00
$4.00 - GS - Vase - $35.00
$1.00 - GS - Creamer - $28.57
.25 cents - TS - A First Little Golden Book - $16.49
$5.00 - GS - Longberger Notepad Basket - $27.55
$5.00 - GS - Longberger Christmas Basket - $24.00
$5.00 - GS - Suede Coat - $39.99
$1.00 - TS - Richard Scarry Book - $41.00
$2.00 - TS - 4 Richard Scarry Books - $27.05
$3.00 - GS - Vintage Scuba Diving Weights - $28.51
$1.00 - TS - Chemistry Text Book - $40.00
$3.00 - GS/TS - 25 Dr. Seuss Books - $35.03
$2.00 - GS - 17 Saddle Club Books - $27.95
$3.00 - GS - 15 Harvard Classic Books - $48.00
$5.00 - GS - Star Wars Lego Set - $28.09
.10 cents - GS - Stellarscope - $25.00
$3.50 - GS/TS - 33 American Girl Books - $27.00


nicole (nicmowat) said...


CG said...

Wow, Lynn! These are GREAT sales. I must be doing something wrong.

Garage sales here are full of junk nobody wants, and people price things about the same as Wal-Mart. Perhaps you need to come visit and help me put on my garage sale treasure goggles- cause I'm just not seeing things the way you do!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Urbacks!! We miss you!

Farmhouse Blessings said...

That is just so inspiring! Thanks for sharing your treasures & business suggestions.


Ray said...

Wow... impressive figures. Makes me want to go garage-sale-ing on Saturdays! :-)